«"As for José Jácome, the Partner in charge of SRS Legal's Dispute Resolution department, "the discourse on the lack of resources has a lot to say about it". He emphasises that "we have more judges per capita than many economically more developed countries and many more judges per capita than common law countries, where the law is created or perfected by the judges. Examples of this are the United Kingdom, Canada and Australia.
That said, the SRS Partner believes that "there are many improvements to be made in the field of facilities, counselling and IT systems", but José Jácome believes that "there are AI tools that can help simplify procedures and increase productivity". However, he also maintains, "the implementation of AI tools in this area must be careful and await the entry into force and subsequent consolidation of the rules arising from the European Union Regulation and Directive in this area."
(...) José Jácome (...) advocates "a substantial improvement in the remuneration of judges, coupled with quality assurance through rigorous and modern evaluation with the dismissal of those who do not serve". On the other hand, he considers it important to "radically simplify procedures".
This lawyer also talks about specialisation, stressing that "it's no use having specialised courts if the judges aren't good enough". is no use having specialised courts if the judges are not specialised and don't stay in those courts". Finally, José Jácome advocates an "absolute focus on the practical effectiveness of decisions in real life".»