"The same question arose more than a decade ago with regard to the financial crisis and, in particular, the sovereign debt crisis. At first, ambition for new goals waned, but there was no backtracking on established objectives or slowing down, says Carlos Costa Pina, Partner at law firm SRS Legal, speaking to Jornal Económico. "After the crisis, ambition was reaffirmed with even greater impetus. I believe the same will happen in the current context, not least because these are perhaps unique areas for Europe to assert its leadership in the world," he adds.
"The new political context does not eliminate the existential threat of climate change, nor the need to defend Europe's strategic autonomy in energy matters. I therefore believe that in these two areas there will be neither a backward step nor a
slowdown," Costa Pina insists.
"Even if the first priorities become different, the second will not necessarily be subordinate. They will simply require an effort to make them compatible," concludes the SRS Legal partner."