SRS Advogados advised Bionova Capital (ex-Hovione Capital) on investment in Vaxdyn, a startup based in Spain, operating in the area of biotechnology and the development of vaccines against potentially fatal bacteria.
In this funding round, Vaxdyn raised €7.6 million from various investors, with the aim of developing a new vaccine to combat the global crisis of superbugs, namely those that cause pneumonia. Bionova Capital is a leading investor in life sciences and biomedical start-ups in the Portuguese market, investing preferably in molecules and medical devices.
The SRS Advogados team was led by partner Paulo Bandeira and relied on the advice of the lawyer Giorgio Galli.
“This advisory service stands out due to the complexity of combining different financing instruments in the transaction and the need to acculturate the practice of venture capital investment by Portuguese investors to investment and governance models in other jurisdictions", emphasises Paulo Bandeira, partner responsible for the Startup Lab by SRS Advogados project.